King of the Jungle

H&M, H&M, H&M

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(SMH). Isn't this what a PR representative is for? Or were you trying to stir up speculation since your sales have gotten you to Ross prices with 70% off of even most of your newest items?

 This is not the way you do it. I know you have some sensitive or at least capable individuals who raised an eyebrow just like this adorable little boy is doing in this ad. This shirt along with the other animal themed wear is inappropriate and I'm glad you have removed it. Not saying I am intimidated or feel the need to clap back however, the company making millions of dollars knew there would be some negative remarks. 

It's not about being a "sensitive" African American but there were so many other ways you could have sold the shirt. Now you have to recall/pull and deal with the backlash. Not saying it's 2018 and everything should be perfect and we are "moving on up" but mistakes like this only lets us realize time is a measure that can still hinder the realization that some things NEVER change. 

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The Weeknd will also no longer be working with the company even with his own self designed line. Whew. Backlash in full effect!

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 FYI= Diddy has reached out for the advertisement of the male model. Whether or not his parents were on set... and if he wants to model for Sean John this is still a statement for early 2018! We are just getting started

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