Hey, my name is Nicole and I'm from New York

Simple, right?

   Any introduction in a basic interview, meeting or community event always involves the same "Where are you from?", "What brings you here?", "What are your expectations from this position?".

I am originally from Queens, New York. Guyanese,(South American) and Nigerian (African), I am proud of it. I shoveled, put salt down and took the city bus to gymnastics training at 7am everyday before classes. I got extra ketchup, hot sauce, BQ and more ketchup on my fries. 1.50*.... pizza (the pizza the cheese makes you choke briefly) but it's worth it after school before the bus ride home.

Margheritas on I think Jamaica Ave. It's Green. (Heeheehee). Heads up: you will EAT.



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